Emergency Response App

When Calling College Police from a District Phone:

  • The dispatcher will verify the name, location and extension from which the call is placed.

  • Give building and room number if the emergency is located somewhere else.

  • Describe the condition clearly and accurately, including if weapons were involved and how many people.

  • If it is safe to speak, provide any additional information requested by the dispatcher.

  • DON’T HANG UP! Let the dispatcher end the conversation; other information may be needed.

When Calling 911:

  • Give your name

  • Give your extension number

  • Give building name and room number or other specific location

  • Describe the condition clearly and accurately

  • DON’T HANG UP! Let the dispatcher end the conversation; other information may be needed.

In an Emergency:

  • If an emergency occurs on the MiraCosta College campuses, numerous methods will be used to communicate information:

    • Public address system

    • MiraCosta College emergency notification system: You will receive an emergency message to your cell phone, landline phone, and e-mail. Sign up for the services here.

    • College website

    • College Facebook pages

    • News media – information will be sent to the news media; check television, radio and news websites.

Be Prepared - What You Can Do:

  • Take note of your building’s floor plan and exit routes.

  • Participate in fire drills and safety training programs.

  • Designate a meeting place outside of the building for your department.

  • Locate the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm.

  • Report all work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazardous material spills

  • Keep a flashlight and emergency radio nearby.

  • Prepare yourself and your family at home so they know what to do if you are involved in an emergency, including where to go and how to cope until you’re able to get home.


  • Health Services at the Oceanside campus is located in Room 3326, and can be reached by phone at (760) 795-6675.

    • Hours

      • Monday – Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

      • Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

      • Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Health Services at the San Elijo Campus is located in Room 922, and can be reached by phone at (760) 944-4449 x.7747

    • Hours

      • Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • The Health Services Department is only operational during the academic calendar and is therefore closed when classes are not in session

  • After hours Monday-Friday, or on weekends, contact College Police at (760) 795-6640.

  • Complete a Medical Emergency/Accident report (see appendix).


  • Is the person breathing? Can they talk or cough?

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911.

  • Follow the emergency medical instructions provided by the dispatcher.

  • Complete Medical Emergency/Accident report (see appendix).

Medical Emergencies/Accidents
Subjects suffering injuries or illness will not be transported to medical facilities in College Police patrol vehicles. Under no circumstances may an employee of the college transport an injured or ill student or visitor from the campus. If a subject requires transportation to a medical facility, College Police will contact Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

In the event of a medical emergency or accident involving MiraCosta College students, employees or visitors to campus, contact the College Police officer on duty at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, call 911, then notify College Police that 911 has been called. The College Police officer will render temporary medical assistance and contact the Health Services Office at (760) 795-6675, or call 911 for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). If, in the opinion of the person reporting the medical emergency or accident, the situation is life threatening, call 911 for immediate assistance, then call College Police at (760) 795-6640. 

If someone is having a seizure:

  • Help them gently to the ground and turn them on their side.

  • Do not hold them down or restrain them.

  • Move objects they might strike away from them (like chairs or tables).

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911.

  • Ask others nearby to give the person some privacy.

  • Follow emergency medical directions provided by the dispatcher.

Refusal of Assistance
Should subject(s) refuse first aid or assistance, the following information should be requested/noted:

  • Name of individual

  • Date and time of contact

  • Location of incident

  • Name, location and phone number of person obtaining information

This information should be reported to College Police for documentation and distribution to the appropriate campus personnel.

Internal Standard Operations Procedure for Medical Emergencies/Accident Reports
These follow-up procedures are to be used when a Medical Emergency/Accident Report (see appendix) is filed:

College Police will mail/deliver, by the following business day, copies of the Medical Emergency/Accident Report (see appendix) to the following designated offices:

  • Risk Management

  • Human Resources

Medical emergency and accident report information will be included in the operations report to the Vice President, Administrative Services and the Superintendent/President.

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640. Inform them of the kind, extent and location of the damage, and the approximate time it was incurred.

  • Secure the area by appropriate means and leave all items within the affected area intact for the investigation.

  • College Police will notify maintenance and custodial services for assistance with cleanup operations once the investigation has been completed.

  • For bias or hate incidents, a Bias Incident Report should be submitted as soon as possible at: http://www.miracosta.edu/care.

In Progress

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911.

  • Tell the dispatcher what is happening.

  • Provide a description of the person(s) committing the crime.

  • Give the direction of travel, if the person starts to leave.

  • For safety reasons, no suspect should be followed or detained.

Already Occurred

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640 to report the incident.

  • Gather as much information about the stolen items as possible.

  • Cancel credit cards or checks.

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911.

  • Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible, including clothing description, height, build, hair color, eye color, jewelry, vehicle description, license plate number, etc.

  • Provide the address of the building or closest parking lot number involved and your exact location.

  • Provide a thorough description of the incident to ensure that proper resources are dispatched.

  • Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so.

  • For safety reasons, no suspect should be followed or detained.

The potential for a school shooting exist on every campus throughout the Unites States. Although the possession of firearms on or around the campuses is prohibited, previous local and national shootings dictate the importance and need for a response plan. In the event that there is an individual on campus armed with any type of weapon, immediately call College Police at (760) 795-6640, press the Campus Emergency button on any district phone, or if necessary, call 911.

An individual must use their own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether they choose to run to safety or remain in place, however, best practices for an active shooter event are provided below:

Have you installed the Say Something App yet?

When an active threat, like an active shooter, is in your vicinity, you must be prepared both mentally and physically deal with the situation.

You have three options.

Leave the area. If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to leave the premises. Be sure to:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.

  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.

  • Leave your belongings behind.

  • Help others escape, if possible.

  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.

  • Keep your hands visible.

  • Follow the instructions of any police officer.

  • Do not attempt to move wounded people.

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640 or if necessary, 911, when you are safe.

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:

  • Be out of the active shooter’s view.

  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door).

  • Not trap you or restrict your options for movement.

To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:

  • Lock the door.

  • Blockade the door with heavy furniture.

If the active shooter is nearby:

  • Lock the door.

  • Silence your electronic devices.

  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions).

  • Spread out as much as possible.

  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks).

  • Remain quiet.

If evacuation and hiding out are not possible:

  • Remain calm.

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640 or if necessary, 911, to alert police of the active shooter’s location.

  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

As a last resort, take action against the shooter by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against them.

  • Throwing items and improvising weapons.

  • Yelling.

  • Committing to your actions.

When Police Arrive
Emergency responders may not know who the shooter(s) is/are. Since perpetrators have been known to hide in the crowd, it is important to obey all law enforcement commands and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.

  • Drop items in your hands (bags, cell phone, etc.).

  • Raise hands and spread fingers, keeping hands visible at all times.

  • Avoid quick movements toward officers.

  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling.

  • Do not ask questions when evacuating.

The first officers to arrive on scene will not stop to help the injured. Expect rescue teams to follow the initial officers. The rescue teams will treat and remove the injured. Once you have reached a safe location, you likely will be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

If you receive a bomb threat:

  • Obtain as much information as possible from the caller.

  • Keep the caller on phone the as long as you can.

  • Have someone call College Police at (760) 795-6640 immediately.

When a threatening call is received, attempt to learn the following:

  • When is the bomb set to go off?

  • What is the explosive?

  • What does it look like?

  • Where in the building is it?

  • Did the caller place the bomb?

  • What does the voice sound like? (man, woman, child, accents, etc.)?

  • Were there any identifiable sounds in the background?

  • Exact wording of the threat.

  • CALMLY notify others in your area.

Immediately after the call:

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911. College Police will determine evacuation procedures and notify campus administrators immediately, and again when it is safe to return to the building.

In the case of a hazardous materials leak, spill or exposure:

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911. Give a location and description of the hazardous materials. Stay on the line to give additional information while unit is responding.

  • Contact the District Risk Management Officer at (760) 795-6866.

  • Determine the source of the leak or spill. If safety permits, stop more of the substances from being released.

  • Obtain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the substances, maintained by the District Risk Management Officer.

    • SDS an MSDS information can be obtained at: MSDSOnline.com

  • Close off the affected area.

  • Maintenance personnel may turn off electricity, gas, air conditioning, and ventilation, depending on spilled chemical properties.

  • If evacuated, go to an outside area, upwind of the source.

  • Note the names of any victims and their physical symptoms. Assign others to stay with them. If anyone goes away for medical treatment, give information about the incident to medical personnel.

  • The District Risk Management Officer shall report the release to the California Emergency Management Agency at (800) 852-7550 and the local CUPA daytime: (858) 505-6657, after hours: (858) 565-5255 and follow the California Hazardous Material Spill/Release notification guidelines.

To report a fire or alarm, call (760) 795-6640, or if necessary 911, or press the Campus Emergency button on any district phone.

Fire Alarm
If you hear a FIRE ALARM:

  • EVACUATE and call College Police.

  • Close door against fire.

  • Do NOT use elevators.

  • Use fire exit stairwells.

  • CALMLY evacuate to a designated evacuation location identified on the emergency map in each room.

If you discover a FIRE:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station, if close.

  • Call College Police at (760) 795-6640, or if necessary, 911.

  • Notify others in your area.

  • Leave the building quickly, using the stairs.

  • CALMLY evacuate to an open area 100 yards away from the affected building.


  • All fires should be reported to the College Police.

  • Fire alarms should be sounded in areas where they are available.

  • Buildings should be evacuated immediately for large uncontrolled fires or heavy smoke.

  • All doors should be closed after the building is evacuated.

  • Once outside the building, individuals should proceed to a designated evacuation, with care taken not to block passageways and roadways to maintain access for rescue personnel.

  • Employees and students should not return to the building until appropriate authorities at the scene declare an all-safe condition.

  • In the event of injuries, College Police will render first aid and call for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) assistance.

Federal, state, and local emergency management experts and other official preparedness organizations all agree that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" is the appropriate action to reduce injury and death during earthquakes.

You cannot tell from the initial shaking if an earthquake will suddenly become intense...so always Drop, Cover, and Hold On immediately!

  • DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),

  • Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table, and

  • HOLD ON to your shelter and be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops.

  • If there is no table or desk near you, drop to the ground and then, if possible, move to an inside corner of the room.

  • Be in a crawling position to protect your vital organs and be ready to move if necessary, and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.

  • Do not move to another location or outside. Earthquakes occur without any warning and may be so violent that you cannot run or crawl. You are more likely to be injured if you try to move around during strong shaking. Also, you will never know if the initial jolt will turn out to be start of the big one...and that's why you should always Drop, Cover, and Hold On immediately!

These are guidelines for most situations. Read below to learn how to protect yourself in other situations and locations, or visit www.dropcoverhold.org.

If You Are Unable to Drop, Cover, and Hold On
If you have difficulty getting safely to the floor on your own, get as low as possible, protect your head and neck, and move away from windows or other items that can fall on you.

  • In a wheelchair: Lock your wheels and remain seated until the shaking stops. Always protect your head and neck with your arms, a pillow, a book, or whatever is available.

  • In bed: If you are in bed, hold on and stay there, protecting your head with a pillow. You are less likely to be injured staying where you are. Broken glass on the floor has caused injury to those who have rolled to the floor or tried to get to doorways.

  • In a high-rise: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Avoid windows and other hazards. Do not use elevators. Do not be surprised if sprinkler systems or fire alarms activate.

  • In a store: When shaking starts, Drop, Cover and Hold On. A shopping cart or getting inside clothing racks can provide some protection. If you must move to get away from heavy items on high shelves, drop to the ground first and crawl only the shortest distance necessary. Whenever you enter any retail store, take a moment to look around: What is above and around you that could move or fall during an earthquake? Then use your best judgment to stay safe.

  • Outdoors: Move to a clear area if you can safely do so; avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles, and other hazards.

  • Driving: Pull over to the side of the road, stop, and set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over. If a power line falls on the car, stay inside until a trained person removes the wire.

  • In a stadium or theater: Stay at your seat or drop to the floor between rows and protect your head and neck with your arms. Don't try to leave until the shaking is over. Then walk out slowly watching for anything that could fall in the aftershocks.

MiraCosta College’s response in the event of power outages affecting or potentially affecting the college and its safe operation. Interruptions in electrical power to the Oceanside campus may impede any or all of the notification methods described below. Every attempt will be made to notify faculty, staff and students through as many communication methods as are available at the time.

During Daytime Classes

  • In the event of a power outage lasting more than 10 minutes, College Police will notify (or verify with) the Director of Facilities that a power outage has occurred. College Police will also notify the District Risk Management Officer.

  • Maintenance will determine if the outage is external or internal.

  • Once the source of the outage is determined, the Director of Facilities will notify EMT, the District Risk Management Officer and College Police.

    • If the source of the outage is internal, and the best information available to the Director of Facilities is that the outage may be short term, no campus-wide schedule alteration will occur, and the parties listed above will be so advised.

    • If the source of the outage is external, and the best information available to the Director of Facilities is inconclusive or indicates that the outage may be long term, EMT will determine if class cancellations may be required for safety purposes. Instructional deans will notify their respective faculty members to hold classes until, in the view of the faculty member, doing so is no longer possible. Instructional deans and department chairs should regularly communicate to faculty that MiraCosta’s standard practice will be to continue with classes unless extenuating circumstances and/or the unavailability of electricity makes doing so impossible.

  • Regardless of the source of the outage, internal or external, if power has been off for a period of one hour or more by 4 p.m., and the best information available to the Director of Facilities remains inconclusive or negative, EMT will make a determination regarding the cancellation of night classes and announce any such cancellation first to:

    • College Police

    • Site deans

    • Director of Public Information & Governmental Relations, Marketing & Communications

    • College administrators

  • After employees with primary site responsibilities and media notification requirements have been notified, mass notification to college employees and students will be made.

  • Facilities personnel will assist in closing and securing facilities.

  • Director of Public Information & Governmental Relations, Marketing & Communications will, in turn:

    • notify area media outlets;

    • record the appropriate outgoing message on the voicemail line, (760) 757-2121;

    • send a text message to the college’s opt-in text message notification system.

During the Night, or Prior to the Start of Class Day

  • In the event of a power outage lasting more than 10 minutes, College Police will notify the Director of Facilities that a power outage has occurred. College Police will also notify the District Risk Management Officer.

  • Maintenance will determine if the outage is external or internal.

  • If the source of the outage is internal, and the best information available to Director of Facilities is that the outage may be short term, the Director, Facilities will advise College Police and the existing operational schedule will remain in effect.

  • If the source of the outage is external, and the best information available to Director of Facilities is inconclusive or indicates that the outage may be long term, the Director of Facilities will notify EMT, District Risk Management Officer, College Police and the Director of Public Information & Governmental Relations, Marketing & Communications

  • As soon as possible, the District Risk Management Officer and the Director of Public Information & Governmental Relations, Marketing & Communications will, in turn:

    • notify area media outlets;

    • record the appropriate outgoing message on the voicemail line, (760) 757-2121;

    • send a text message to subscribers of the college’s opt-in text message notification system.

Note: all resources for notification may not be available in the event of a power loss.

MiraCosta College’s response in the event of water interruption affecting or potentially affecting the college and its safe operation.

During Daytime Classes

  • In the event of a water service disruption lasting more than 10 minutes, the Director of Facilities will notify College Police and the campus that a water disruption has occurred, and the areas that are impacted.

  • Once the source of the disruption is determined, the Director of Facilities will notify EMT and College Police.

    • If the best information available to the Director of Facilities is that the disruption will be short term, no campus-wide schedule alteration will occur.

      • Facilities personnel will close affected restrooms and place signs directing people to the closest operational restroom locations.

      • Once repaired, the Facilities Department will send out a notification that service is back up and running.

      • Facilities personnel will unlock affected restrooms and ensure they are functioning.

    • If the best information available to the Director of Facilities is inconclusive or indicates that the outage may be long term, EMT will determine if class cancellations may be required for safety purposes.

      • Instructional deans will notify their respective faculty members to hold classes until, in the view of the faculty member, doing so is no longer possible.

      • Instructional deans and department chairs should regularly communicate to faculty that MiraCosta’s standard practice will be to continue with classes unless extenuating circumstances and/or the loss of water service makes doing so impossible or unsafe.

During Evening Classes after Regular Business Hours

  • In the event of a water service disruption lasting more than 10 minutes, the College Police will notify the Director of Facilities that a water disruption has occurred, and the areas that are impacted.

  • Once the source of the disruption is determined, the Director of Facilities will notify the Evening Administrator.

    • If the best information available to the Director, Facilities is that it will be short term, no campus-wide evening schedule alteration will occur.

      1. Facilities personnel will close affected restrooms and place signs directing people to the closest restroom locations.

      2. Once repaired, the Facilities Department will send out a notification that service is back up and running.

      3. Facilities personnel will unlock affected restrooms and ensure they are functioning

    • If the best information available to the Director of Facilities is inconclusive, or indicates that the outage may be long term, EMT will determine if class cancellations may be required for safety purposes.

      1. Instructional deans will notify their respective faculty members to hold classes until, in the view of the faculty member, doing so is no longer possible.

      2. Instructional deans and department chairs should regularly communicate to faculty that MiraCosta’s standard practice will be to continue with classes unless extenuating circumstances and/or the loss of water service makes doing so impossible or unsafe.



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